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Most South Indian or Maharastrian homes (koshambir) in India make their own version of Kosambari, which is essentially a salad. Some use cucumber as a base and others use carrots, but what stays the same are the punchy, earthy undertones that come from a tadka of mustard seeds, moong dal & curry leaves.
Akuri is a delightful Parsi scrambled eggs recipe that was popularized by Parsi/Irani cafes in Bombay (now Mumbai to many people).
Fluffy, buttery basmati rice, tempered with perfumed, spicy flavours. Try our spicy take on this South Indian classic. It's not traditional - but it's an absolute banger.
The familiar, comforting flavours of cauliflower cheese, made a little bit more grown up and mature. Delicious, simple meal that ticks all the boxes.